Why should I be interested in PA Broker Exam Prep?

The Polley Associates Pennsylvania Broker Exam Prep Class will increase your test-taking skills, provide targeted study materials, ensure you study the right information, and identify weak areas in your knowledge base.
You will benefit from our veteran instructors’ extensive knowledge of the national & state broker exam content and format. Our class helps you identify how to focus your study time and effort. You’ll learn not only components of the test, but the strategies that help you differentiate the CORRECT answer from purposely misleading ones.
Our exam prep class is fully up-to-date and reflects the National and State-Specific content outlines.
Attending an exam prep course is an excellent way to ensure you are prepared to take and pass the Broker Examination. Your success on the Broker real estate licensing exam depends on thorough preparation.
Livestream (Zoom): Broker Exam Prep Courses via Livestream (Zoom) on a bi-monthly basis in January, March, May, July, September, and November.
Classroom: Broker Exam Prep Courses in Newtown Square are available on a bi-monthly basis in February, April, June, August, October, and December
Online (Self-Paced): Compucram® is an exam prep system that integrates vocabulary tools, practice testing, and comprehensive simulated exams into an “all-in-one” solution to build your confidence and knowledge. On your own time, on your own schedule.
What materials are included in the course?
- Six-hour Exam Prep Class, covering both the PA State-Specific Content and the National Content;
- Polley’s Broker Prep Manual
- Polley’s Broker Scenario Supplement
- Guide to Passing the PSI Real Estate Exam, by Lawrence Sager
- Pennsylvania Real Estate Exam Prep guide
The tuition price includes all class materials. Registration and pre-payment are required for this course. All enrollments are subject to Polley policies. Polley’s real estate broker prep class is offered on a bi-monthly basis at our Newtown Square location only.
Enroll in Polley Associates Real Estate Broker Exam Prep Class
Want to study online, rather than in a classroom? No problem! You’ll want to enroll in our Real Estate Broker Exam Prep CompuCram® (National + Pennsylvania) class.